Camping & Outdoor Gear. Military & Law Enforcement. In Business for over 15 years. Save 30-80% Off Retail. We Transfer The Savings To You! Trijicon Hd Night Sight Set 3 Dot Green Yellow For HK P2000 P2000SK – 600600. The HD Night Sights were specifically created to address the needs of tactical shooters. The three dot green tritium night sight sets front sight features a taller blade and an aiming point ringed in photoluminescent paint while the rear sight is outlined in black and features a wider U-shaped notch. This unique configuration increases visibility and quickens front sight acquisitioneven in transitional lighting. Additionally, the front surface of the rear sight is steeply hooked to assist in emergency one-handed slide operation. Green tritium lamps are warranted for 12 years from date of manufacture. Fits Model: P2000, and P2000SK. Front Lamp Color: Green. Rear Lamp Color: Green. Front Paint Color: Yellow. Rear Paint Color: Black. Front Blade Width: 0.144 (3.65mm). Front Blade Height: 0.215 (5.46mm). Overall Front Blade Height: 0.306 (7.77mm). Rear Notch Style: U-Notch. Rear Notch Width: 0.169 (4.29mm). Rear Blade Height: 0.185 (4.69mm). Overall Rear Height: 0.349 (8.86mm). Enhanced front-sight acquisition in bright, transitional and no-light situations: Glow-in-the-dark, photoluminescent-painted front outline combines with a “u” notch rear and black-painted rear outlines to quickly draw your eye to the front post in all lighting conditions. One-handed slide manipulation: Steeply hooked front surface to assist in an emergency, one-handed slide manipulation. Instantly visible sight picture in no-light and low-light situations: Tritium phosphor-filled glass lamp illuminates sights for high visibility in all lighting conditions. Enhanced protection from heavy recoil and harsh cleaning solvents: Tritium gas lamps are contained within protective aluminum cylinders and have additional silicone rubber cushioning. Evenly distributed light from tritium lamps: Each Trijicon tritium lamp is capped with a sapphire jewel that helps evenly distribute the light and also acts as an additional layer of protection from puncture and cleaning solvents. We deliver to PO Boxes and military addresses via U. Our packages are fully insured. We may utilize signature required. Please check your local laws, rules and regulations in regards to possible restrictions imposed on goods imported. Doing that is against U. Select the reason for the return. Make sure you connect to Night Galaxy, Inc. Either by signing up for our newsletters or by keeping in touch on one of our social media profiles and never miss out on a deal again! GET THE LATEST SPECIALS & DISCOUNT COUPONS DELIVERED TO YOUR INBOX.